Frequently asked questions.

  • We use software to track and trace internet piracy. Your internet connection has been found to of been used for digital piracy, where the rights of our members have been infringed.

  • As your internet connection has been identified as being used for distribution of copyright protected work without license to do so, you are now subject to a private investigation.

  • It is highly likely that without resolution, you will be subject to either private criminal, or civil proceedings in the United Kingdom.

  • A proportionate claim will be established to recover the losses caused by the offender. Most claims will be issued within 12 months of the original offence, but are limited by statute to 6 years.

  • The courts will establish a means tested payment plan, based on your income.

  • Damage calculations are based on the quantifiable loss suffered by the rights holder. An outline of damages will be presented in correspondence to you.